Board Conference Call
November 2, 2004
2:30 p.m. ET
Present: Patty Wente KWMU (President); Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Board Member #2/serving as Secretary); Tim Eby, WOSU (Past-President). Cleve Callison, WMUB (Secretary/serving as Vice-President)
I. Meeting began at 2:35 p.m. ET .
II. PRIMA Winter Meeting.
Dates for Winter meeting are February 17 and 18, 2005
Location: Patty canvassed the PRIMA membership. San Antonio received a 2 – 1 endorsement. New Orleans came in second. Patty asked Cleve Callison to do a quick air fare comparison from major PRIMA cities to determine average transportation cost for San Antonio and New Orleans .
It was determined that February 17 and 18 don’t conflict with NPR Board meeting which is scheduled for February 10 and 11.
III. Planning for PRIMA’s 30 th Anniversary meeting.
Cleve reminded that next year (Fall, 2005) will mark PRIMA’s 30 th anniversary. Possible locations for the Fall meeting could be Minneapolis , Columbus , Cleveland . Patty asked Cleve to canvass the PRIMA membership for location ideas.
IV. Report on NPR Board activity.
Tim Eby reported that NPR will most likely be approving a resolution concerning satellite radio. The policy will indicate that at this time NPR will not put the main newsmagazine programs on satellite radio to compete with terrestrial live broadcasts.
The NPR Board will be formally approving the Strategic Plan.
Will be formally approving the fundraising policy that addresses the Cahill amendment.
Will have some preliminary discussion about budget for the coming years.
IV. Elections for PRIMA
After Greg Schnirring’s departure to CPB, Patty had appointed Cleve Callison as Vice-President, and Christina Kuzmych as Secretary for interim period. There is now an open Board Member No. 2 position. Patty had appointed a nominating committee at the May 2004 Leadership Forum PRIMA meeting. It consisting of Jon Schwartz (chair), Dan Skinner (WBAA), and Erik Nycklemoe (MPR). As Jon Schwartz expressed an interest in running for the Board Member No. 2 position, Patty will appoint a new chair. Possibilities include Craig Beeby, Bruce Haines, Patty Cahill. Patty will contact these individuals.
Cleve reminded that PRIMA Board needs to update information regarding terms and time remaining.
V. By-Laws committee
Cleve reminded that PRIMA needs to update its by-laws. At the Fall St. Louis meeting, Tim Eby and Jeff Stoll offered to serve on the committee. Other possibilities include Bruce Haines, Patty Cahill. Patty Wente will issue a call for volunteers to serve on this committee. Cleve asked that the membership be solicited for changes to By-laws.
VI. Other business — Planning for next Leadership Forum.
Tim Eby reported that Doug Eichten is hosting a meeting with regional presidents to begin planning for the next Leadership Forum. What should be the agenda? Cleve pointed out that station interconnectivity was high on everyone’s list of topics. Managers wanted more opportunity to discuss issues with each other. Patty will send out a memo to the PRIMA list to ask for additional suggestions.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. ET .
Respectfully submitted
Christina Kuzmych
Board Member No. 2