Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2014
Called to Order: 11:37 AM EDT
Board Members Present: Regina Dean, Christina Kuzmych, Karen Olstad, Paul Maasson, Mike Savage, Steve Schram, Dan Skinner.
Guest: Greg Petrovich
- Super Regional (Dan)–Report shows that the conference made money. Net is split evenly between the regionals, each earning approximately $10,000. Next Super Regional will be in Las Vegas November 10-14, 2014. Hotel rates will be much more affordable.
- Potential PRRO/Regional Website (Dan)– Dan is supportive of concept, but expressed concern that each regional would lose its identity. Questions as to whether there would be cost associated and what would be gained. An alternative would be to link from regional site to shared content. Question as to what materials would be housed there and whether it would be redundant with NPR station site, Greater Public, etc. Response was the shared site would house material generated by members/station managers. Why go to the trouble of creating a whole separate site, perhaps we could partner with another organization to host it. We should do some research to see what kind of traffic PRIMA site is getting now to help inform decision. Dan will check.
- PMBA Support for CPB Compliance – Karen reported that PBMA responded to her request that they “will have checklists, templates, and sample language that radio and television stations can use to review, improve, and document their compliance procedures. (They) are on track to begin sharing trends and identifying problem areas, as well as posting supporting compliance materials that stations can use toward the end of March.”
- Report on PRIMA New Member Recruitment – Christina reported that the only thing she needs is electronic signatures for all board members to add to the letter and then it is ready to go to prospective new members.
- NPR Board Update – Greg reported that the NPR board meets next week. Greg and Dan will be there. PRIMA members are encouraged to contact either of them with issues they would like Greg or Dan to bring up with board members or NPR staff.
- Timing of future PRIMA Board Conference Calls. (Dan) Board members on call agreed that 2:30 EST on third Wednesdays beginning March 19th would work for a meeting time. Dan will send out an email to all PRIMA board members to confirm.
Adjourned at 12:27 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Olstad