Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2016
Called to Order: 2:34 PM
Board Members Present: : Regina Dean, Tim Eby, Neenah Ellis, Christina Kuzmych, Paul Maassen, Mike Savage, Steve Schramm, Dan Skinner
PRIMA Conference Planning
President Skinner said Gemma Hooley will let us know soon who will participate in the PRIMA conference from NPR. There is a strong interest on the part of NPR to be there. Among other briefings, we’ll learn about Connected Car from Paul Jacobs. Joyce MacDonald would like to attend but has not confirmed. Other confirmed panelists include FCC attorneys Ernie Sanchez and Meg Miller; Kathy Merritt from PRI; John Barth from PRX; and Anya Grundmann. Mike Savage reported that he was not able to get someone from IUPUI to attend.
Paul Maassen reports that the extravaganza begins at the Indianapolis Colts Grill in the Payton Manning room. A fajita buffet. From 6-830 pm. Then open the PRIMA suite. Thursday night we will go to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for dinner. Included in that is a tour of the track by bus. At the end there is a photo op at the finish line. It’s called the Kiss the Bricks tour. Bus transportation will be provided to and from the hotel to WFYI. The sessions are at WFYI on Thursday and Friday. Breakfast and lunch at WFYI each day. Thursday – 430-530 a tour of WFYI studios will be included. The times could be tweaked if needed. Feedback about the proposed agenda is still welcome. Activities at the PRIMA suite follows. Friday we have our half day, and a box lunch.
Mike noted that IPBS stations might like to talk about collaborations: regional ATC host, state funding strategies, etc. That could be shared with all the managers. Dan suggested that this be part of the opening session on Thursday morning. Mike also noted that IPBS stations might be able to help reduce the price of special events to PRIMA.Paul suggests asking Car Talk if they’d like to sponsor. Christina asks that during the conference sessions that we not be given a dog and pony show but that we really have time to get into the weeds and ask questions.
Regina requested a list of attendees that need to be comped. Dan will provide the list of participants to her when available. 17 rooms have been reserved at the moment. We’re hoping for minimum of 40 we have 45 on reserve.
Dan Skinner will notify everyone as soon as we get confirmation from Gemma regarding NPR participation. He’s also asking also for attendance of NPR’s VP for business development to attend.
Steve Schramm was the first registrant to the conference.
Neenah asked whether there is an opportunity to invite Sue Schardt of AIR. Paul Maassen says he could consider it if the presentation is focused on stations. It’s also noted that there’s not much room left on the agenda.
New Business
Mike Savage provided an update on the Super Regional Conference discussions between the PRRO Group and NPR regarding the timing of the AREPS meeting. Although the PRRO grouped lobbied, minus PRIMA’s endorsement, for the two meetings to take place together, ultimately NPR decided that the 2016 a-reps meeting will be disconnected from the super regional. Mike noted that the electronic meeting approach might be the wave of the future for the AREPS meetings.
It was reported that WSPR is also moving toward having a meeting of their own in May.
Regina noted that more people have reserved hotel rooms than have registered with her. She asked Dan to remind those that plan to attend the conference that they must register for the conference through her in addition to reserving thier hotel rooms.
Adjourned at 3:00 PM.
Next meeting will be April 20 at 2:30 PM EST.
Submitted by
Neenah Ellis, Board Secretary, March 18, 2016