Board Conference Call
June 5, 2012
1:30 p.m., ET
Participating by phone:
Al Bartholet, Tom Hunt, Christina Kuzmych, Paul Maassen, Dan Skinner, Bill Wheelhouse
Not present: Regina Dean
- Dates are confirmed as November 13th, 14th and 15th.
- Hotel will be Harrah’s at a group rate of $149 per night.
- There will be no PRIMA “suite,” however the possibility of a private area or location for socializing will be pursued. All would be invited to share in this PRIMA tradition. This is currently a proposal to the PRRO group.
- Attendance is expected to be 190, including sponsors.
- PMDMC/Seattle
- Al Bartholet, Dan Skinner and Christina Kuzmych will attend.
- The deficit was attributed to the loss of underwriting revenue.
- Concerns were raised regarding NPR and other national programming pitching merchandise or referring local stations’ listeners to their own websites in order to build a solicitation database for future use. Board members agreed that this should be a topic for a session at the Super Regional. Questions were raised about price, strategy and approach to local contributors.
- Concerns should be fully expressed in a Survey Monkey survey that has already been sent out.
- Christina asked Board members to share their experiences in recruiting members for the NPR Champions Program.
- In general, most managers have not implemented this program yet, mainly because of time constraints.
- Next meeting will take place on July 3 at 1:30 ET
Adjourned at 2:15 p.m. ET
Respectfully submitted,
Al Bartholet, secretary