Board Conference Call
February 7, 2012
1:35 pm ET
Attending: Cleve Callison, Regina Dean, Tom Hunt, Christina Kuzmych, Paul Maassen, Dan Skinner, Bill Wheelhouse
Planning For Joint Regional Meeting
PRRO Group met and the meeting is still being planned. The weeks of 10/29 or 11/12 are being considered. New Orleans appears to be the prime candidate for the conference with San Antonio, Saint Louis, and Nashville as alternate choices. The planners are estimating about 160 attendees plus presenters. The session logistics have not yet been determined.
Representation Follow-Up
The representation position letter representing the PRIMA board with an endorsement from regional public radio organization boards, has been delivered to the NPR president. He said he’d get back with an opportunity for a meeting with PRRO at the February NPR Board meeting. Christina will wait a few more days, then request the PRRO Group again. The board discussed options for representing public broadcasting to our legislators.
New PRIMA website
Christina congratulated Dan the look of the “new site” and for responding quickly to the request for change, thus avoiding the need to outsource the work. Dan requested photos and historical information for expanding the content of the website. Cleve indicated he would send some PRIMA historical documentation to Dan for reference.
Expanding our membership
Christina requested that Regina forward the current membership list for reference.
Behrens/Fuerst article in Jan 30 Current
The report in Current shows declining membership and underwriting support for public TV while public radio support is growing. If trend continues, radio will soon surpass public TV in both support categories. The board members discussed the implication of the trends, specifically the long term impact on joint licensees.
Respectfully submitted by Dan Skinner on behalf of Al Bartholet, PRIMA Secretary