Board Conference call
January 8, 2008
2:30 ET
Present: Cleve Callison, WMUB (President); Patty Wente, KWMU (Past President); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Vice President) Dan Skinner, Texas Public Radio, (Secretary); Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer), Jon Schwartz, Wyoming Public Radio, (Board Member No. 2), Bill Wheelhouse, WUIS, (Board Member No. 3)
I. Meeting began at 2:33 E.T.
II. Winter Conference
Christina Kuzmych updated Executive Board on a tentative schedule for PRIMA meeting adjacent to NPR/CPB Meeting March – Bill Wheelhouse asked about potential remarks by Mark Sachs at PRIMA meeting, Cleve addressed value of Mark Sachs participation, group commented on letting managers outside of PRIMA aware of Sachs presentation. – There was some discussion of additional sessions desired for PRIMA meeting including technology and development. – Dan Skinner noted that he will be returning from a trip to China and unable to serve as Secretary at the PRIMA meeting. – After discussion, it was decided that the cost for the PRIMA meeting registration will be $175, $200 for non-members.
III. Website
Dan Skinner provided an update on the website. The URL has been transferred to the independent server at The website has been updated with a new index page, new graphic header and also a general content update. Work is continuing on making the PRIMA Talk listserv operational.
IV. CPB Rescission
Cleve Callison updated the group on CPB CSG Rescission, will result in 3% cut in funds in second check from CPB. Normally CPB would absorb this from operating reserve, but not this time. PRO group will ask CPB to revisit decision. The group discussed lack of consultation of public radio. Was public TV consulted before cut announced?
V. NPR Governance
Cleve opened the topic and invited comments. Jon Schwartz commented that the proposed changes are potentially negative and divisive in regard to NPR-Station relations. Cleve feels the issue is important but doesn’t have a sense of PRIMA majority feeling on the issue so he suggests that it should be discussed via the listserv, the upcoming meeting, etc.
VI. Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m. E.T.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner, Secretary