March 2, 2010


PRIMA Board teleconference Minutes
WednesdayMarch 2, 2010
1:30 p.m. CST

All members were present for the meeting (Except Dan Skinner)

I. PRIMA Fall Conference

Choices are narrowed to September 29October 1 and October 6-8th. The locations proposed are Kansas City and Cincinnati; both have stations volunteering to host. Board decided to circulate a Survey Monkey to the membership to guide the decisions.

II. NPR and the Knight Foundation

Are attempting to create a series of one day internet journalism training sessions. GMs News Directors, and online staff would be welcome. They are suggesting these be held adjacent to the Regional meetings. We discussed the proposal and again, will solicit feedback from PRIMA member stations.

III. CPB Reauthorization

Mike Riksen, the NPR VP for Representation, is asking whether we want to pursue the discussion of issues surrounding Congressional reauthorization of the CPB. Christina suggested proposing starting an immediate forum with Mike, the PRRO group (the Regional presidents), and the board members of each Regional. The board agreed and Christina will talk with Mike and PRRO colleagues.

IV. Sound Exchange

No progress to report on restrictions for Classical music on streaming media.

V. NPR Board meeting

Christina reported on three subjects raised at the membership committee meeting.

A. Joyce McDonald raised the prospect of moving to a tiered NPR membership fee. Significant pushback came from board members. It wasn’t clear exactly what benefits would accrue and for whom.

B. Stations that are delinquent in paying their programming fees are still not being pursued for nonpayment by NPR, under terms of their contractual agreement. Stations suggested NPR move to a monthly or quarterly billing cycle rather than the huge one time or two times per year that may be causing difficulties for stations. NPR resisted this idea as difficult for them to implement. Stations suggested NPR talk with any local Development staff that use a monthly billing cycle for their underwriting and membership collections.

C. The PRIMA resolution calling for NPR board members to attend their own Regional meetings was supported unanimously by all Regionals and the board itself. PRIMA’s Dave Edwards, the NPR Board Vice Chair, pledged to attend every regional’s conferences. No word on the NPR Board Chair himself on this topic. Christina will invite the three board members that who are PRIMATES to sit in on our PRIMA board monthly telecons.

VI. Follow Up on Fall Meeting Internet Topics – Mark Fuerst

Mark joined us for the duration of the meeting to discuss how we might build on ideas and opportunities that were raised at the fall conference. The conversation was extensive and a number of ideas and needs were considered, including metrics, publishing technologies, web design breakthroughs, and the players who may or must participate for the sake of progress. Mark will work on a short two page document to contain several proposals and services, and send to the board within a week or two.

The teleconference ended at 3 p.m. CST.

—Submitted by Jon Schwartz, PRIMA Board Secretary

Jon Schwartz
General Manager
Wyoming Public Media

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