Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting
October 18, 2017
Called to Order: 2:35 pm Eastern Time
Present: Regina Dean, Christina Kuzmych, Nico Leone, Dan Skinner
Planning for 2018 Spring Conference
The board discussed potential cities in which to hold next year’s spring PRIMA Conference. Based on anecdotal member feedback, the board created a shortlist of cities including Chicago, Cincinnati, Kansas City because they are centrally located making it possible for some members to drive to the conference. New Orleans was also added to the shortlist because it has been a traditional location for the meeting. Dan will create a survey listing the cities and providing opportunities for other cities to be nominated for consideration. The survey will be distributed to membership to get their feedback on the proposed locations.
Date of Next PRIMA Board Conference Call
The regularly scheduled PRIMA Board conference call conflicts with the timing of the November NPR Board meeting. The board members agreed to move the November PRIMA Board conference call to November 13.
NPR/Station Compact
The board discussed next steps after successful completion of the PRIMA Fly-In to discuss the NPR/Station Compact. At the Fly-In it was suggested that a resolution be made at the next NPR Board Meeting to encourage NPR to pursue a charitable donation possibility being created by Amazon Echo. It was later decided that instead of a resolution at the board meeting, the message would be delivered during the NPR/Station Compact discussions at the Public Radio SuperRegional meeting. The other action item from the Fly-In was for GM’s to discuss the NPR/Station Compact with their staffs. PRIMA is now waiting for NPR to announce their next steps in the NPR/Station Compact process so that PRIMA can provide additional input. Nicco and Dan will talk with Gemma Hooley about where things stand in the process at the next NPR Board meeting.
NPR Leadership
The board expressed their desire for NPR’s current president to continue beyond his initial five year agreement. Board members have been pleased with Jarl’s leadership and hope he will agree to continue int eh position.
The meeting adjourned at 3:25 pm
Respectfully submitted by
Dan Skinner, President, acting as Secretary