Board Conference Call
March 6, 2012
12:30 p.m., central time
Participating by phone: Al Bartholet, Cleve Callison, Regina Dean, Tom Hunt, Dan Skinner, Bill Wheelhouse
I. Christina Kuzmych’s report from the NPR Board Meeting:
a. This was Gary Knell’s first as President.
b. NPR’s guiding principles for journalism were presented.
c. Joyce McDonald is now in the President’s office as VP, Member and Audience Partnership.
d. Kinsey Wilson has been promoted to Executive VP and Chief Content Officer.
e. Margaret Low Smith is promoted permanently to Senior VP, NPR News
(More detailed information from the NPR Board meeting is contained in NPR President Dave Edwards’ e-mail, and on the NPR website.)
f. PRRO Group:
i. Gary Knell expressed satisfaction with representation in NPR and stressed his own robust activities in the area of representation. There was no indication of structural changes.
ii. It was noted that Gary Knell and Pat Butler have a long collaborative history of “working the Hill” on public broadcasting issues.
iii. Mike Riksen was not at the meeting but has said that Gary Knell is very active in legislative visits.
II. Super Regional Conference:
Conference will probably take place at the New Orleans Marriott on November 13-16, 2012.
III. It was noted that many of the questions asked at the CPB Dynamic phone sessions held last month centered around the topics of station consolidation and advisory boards.
IV. SRG has distributed a draft of ethics for station behavior.
Adjourned at 1:30 p.m. central time
Respectfully submitted,
Al Bartholet, Secretary