July 15, 2015

Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2015

Called to Order: 2:00 PM

Board Members Present: Dan Skinner, Tim Eby, Karen Olstad, Mike Savage, Paul Maasson, Steve Schram, Regina Dean, Christina Kuzmych

Guest: Greg Petrowich

  1. PRIMA 2016 Conference
    1. Discussion as to whether we should hold a PRIMA Conference / Membership meeting in FY16 (Fall 2015 and/or Spring 2016)
    2. Suggestion to hold in DC at NPR Headquarters perhaps in conjunction w/ AReps meeting in September
    3. Suggestion to consider following approach WSPR used—one day fly-in meeting with more time for conversation
    4. Suggestion to do both—addresses different needs
    5. Consensus — we should survey members to see if there is interest and which option(s) members prefer
    6. Dan will work on a survey and share with Board members
  2. PRIMA Membership Conference Call with Mayor & Hooley July 23rd (Dan)
    1. Board members should send suggestions for questions in advance to Dan
    2. Dan will publicize
    3. Will be open to members to ask questions
  3. Board Appointments –
    1. President (Dan Skinner), Vice President (Paul Maasson), Board Member #1 (Steve Schram) and Board Member #2 (Mike Savage) are completing their first term. All are eligible for reelection and willing to serve another term.
    2. Board needs to appoint a nominating committee of 5 members to recommend a a slate of candidates to the membership
    3. Karen, Tim, Regina, Greg P. agreed to serve on committee, Tim Eby will chair and find a 5th
  4. PMDMC Takeaways —(Steve & Other Attendees)
    1. Largest attendance—1250 people,
    2. Good content, good variety of topics, good speakers (outside and station based)
    3. Next year it will be in August in Boston
  5. NPR Board Update —(Greg & Mike)
    1. Greg brought PRIMA members’ concerns regarding credit language in podcasts. It is under consideration by NPR and NPM staff.
    2. Regina expressed concern about NPR Dues Estimates and wondered when they would become final, Greg will take to NPR and find out answers.
    3. Mike reported that the D/I committee is looking at the PRSS system, looking at ways to be more efficient to serve independent producers as well as stations
    4. Membership and Governance is looking at increasing size of NPR board, may have something to present at AReps meeting. Seems that most are supportive.

Adjourned at 2:50 PM.

Next meeting August 20 at 2:30 PM EST.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Olstad

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