Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2015
Called to Order: 2:00 PM
Board Members Present: Dan Skinner, Tim Eby, Karen Olstad, Mike Savage, Paul Maasson, Steve Schram, Regina Dean, Christina Kuzmych
Guest: Greg Petrowich
- PRIMA 2016 Conference
- Discussion as to whether we should hold a PRIMA Conference / Membership meeting in FY16 (Fall 2015 and/or Spring 2016)
- Suggestion to hold in DC at NPR Headquarters perhaps in conjunction w/ AReps meeting in September
- Suggestion to consider following approach WSPR used—one day fly-in meeting with more time for conversation
- Suggestion to do both—addresses different needs
- Consensus — we should survey members to see if there is interest and which option(s) members prefer
- Dan will work on a survey and share with Board members
- PRIMA Membership Conference Call with Mayor & Hooley July 23rd (Dan)
- Board members should send suggestions for questions in advance to Dan
- Dan will publicize
- Will be open to members to ask questions
- Board Appointments –
- President (Dan Skinner), Vice President (Paul Maasson), Board Member #1 (Steve Schram) and Board Member #2 (Mike Savage) are completing their first term. All are eligible for reelection and willing to serve another term.
- Board needs to appoint a nominating committee of 5 members to recommend a a slate of candidates to the membership
- Karen, Tim, Regina, Greg P. agreed to serve on committee, Tim Eby will chair and find a 5th
- PMDMC Takeaways —(Steve & Other Attendees)
- Largest attendance—1250 people,
- Good content, good variety of topics, good speakers (outside and station based)
- Next year it will be in August in Boston
- NPR Board Update —(Greg & Mike)
- Greg brought PRIMA members’ concerns regarding credit language in podcasts. It is under consideration by NPR and NPM staff.
- Regina expressed concern about NPR Dues Estimates and wondered when they would become final, Greg will take to NPR and find out answers.
- Mike reported that the D/I committee is looking at the PRSS system, looking at ways to be more efficient to serve independent producers as well as stations
- Membership and Governance is looking at increasing size of NPR board, may have something to present at AReps meeting. Seems that most are supportive.
Adjourned at 2:50 PM.
Next meeting August 20 at 2:30 PM EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Olstad