Board Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2013 | 10:00AM CST
Board Members Present: Regina Dean, Tom Hunt, Christina Kuzmych, Paul Maassen, Karen Olstad, Dan Skinner
Guests on Call: Tim Eby, Greg Petrovich
I. Sky is Falling?
The Board discussed a recent report in Radio Ink magazine that car manufacturers would stop putting AM/FM radios in cars within 5 years. Subsequent reports indicate that this is not true. Board members expressed the opinion that digital media is on the rise, but radio isn’t dead yet.
II. PRRO Super Regional
Christina thanked the board for approving the PRIMA letter regarding setting aside $12,000 for next Super Regional and bonus for Georgette Bronfman.
The next Super Regional is tentatively set for 11/12-14 in the D.C. or near surrounding area with the NPR AREPS meeting adjacent to it.
III. “Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me” Movie Theatre Presentations
Christina Kuzmych talked with Joyce McDonald, Gemma Hooley, and Eric Nuzem about WWDTM movie theatre presentations to address issues raised by the PRIMA Board. She asked questions about the business model. The general feedback was that stations can only expect promotional value from the movie events, but should not expect a monetary benefit. The board discussed the need for better communications between NPR and member stations regarding these types of promotional activities. The board requested that Emma Carracso, new NPR marketing vp be invited to participate in our next conference call.
IV. National Programming Soliciting Support from Listeners
Tim Eby addressed the PRIMA board about Program Producers soliciting support directly from station listeners. He expressed concern about the confusion this may create with listeners regarding their support. Can producers avoid soliciting e-mail gifts during station fundraising times to reduce confusion? Christina brought this topic up to the Public Radio Regional Organization (PRRO) group in January and they agreed there is a need for coordination. It was noted that such coordination might be difficult given station’s varied time for on-air fundraising. The PRIMA Board members indicated a desire for the PRRO group to continue dialog with program producers about this issue.
V. Business Model for Sustaining Public Radio in the Future
The Board would like this issue to be discussed at the next Super Regional.
VI. NPR Digital Services
The Board discussed questions about the service. NPR members have no choice. Fees are mandatory. Are there additional fee increases coming? Does the service need to grow to take care of growing number of stations using the service? What is the business plan for NPR Digital Services? What is the trade off between investing in local web staff versus using NPR Digital Services? Why aren’t some of the digital tools available on also available for NPR Digital Services sites? What is the status of NPR Digital Services within the NPR structure? The PRIMA Board would like information from NPR Digital Services about their future business and strategic plans.
VII. PRIMA Board Secretary Opening
In accordance with the PRIMA bylaws, the Board appointed Tim Eby to fill the PRIMA Board Secretary Position. The position became open with Mary Grace Herrington’s departure from Iowa Public Radio. [This was subsequently revised – Karen Olstad will move up to Secretary; Tim Eby will take Karen’s position.]
The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 Eastern Time.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner, PRIMA Vice President