March 8, 2005


Board Conference Call
March 8, 2005
2:30 p.m. ET


Present: Patty Wente KWMU (President); Dorie Vallillo WIUM (Treasurer); Christina Kuzmych WFIU (Secretary); Cleve Callison WMUB (Vice-President); Bill McGinley WOI (Board Member #1), Tim Emmons WNIU (Board Member # 3); Jon Schwartz, KUWR, Board Member #2

I. Meeting began at 2:35 p.m. ET .

II. Review of February PRIMA meeting in San Antonio .

Evaluations collected from PRIMA members indicated that most people were satisfied with the conference. Board members present on the call congratulated Cleve on a job well done.

III. Board meeting to plan future directions.

This year commemorates PRIMA’s 30 th anniversary. Patty recommended holding a separate meeting for PRIMA Board members and past presidents and asked for suggestions. Topics for discussion could include organizational goals and future directions. In addition, the by-laws could be reviewed and updated to reflect organizational needs. It was suggested that each Board member could call a handful of current PRIMA members to discuss their thoughts about the organization’s usefulness. Comments from non-members could also be solicited to determine why they choose not to be a part of PRIMA. June would be the best time for this meeting and it should be held in a location easily accessible to most and/or inexpensive to fly to.

IV. Fall meeting.

The fall meeting should be special, since it commemorates PRIMA’s 30 th anniversary. Retired PRIMA members could be invited/honored, though there was doubt as to their availability and desire to travel. A suggestion was made to poll PRIMA members as to what types of activities would be desirable to celebrate PRIMA’s 30 th birthday. The best dates for the fall meeting would be sometime in September. PRPD, NPR Board, and other system conferences need to be checked for scheduling conflicts. Cleve and Patty would look into this.

V. Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. ET .

 Submitted March 9, 2005

Christina Kuzmych


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