August 17, 2021

August 17, 2021

Meeting convenes at 2:30 pm ET

In attendance: 
STEVE SCHRAMM – vacation
MYRNA JOHNSON – not present
RICHARD MILES – not present

1.  SUPER REGIONAL – still on. What is the temperature of the group? 

Dan Skinner – Will not attend.
Nico Leone – NPR board is not planning to meet in person in September and probably not November. 
Regina Dean – uncertain about attendance.  I’m concerned that turnout will be down. NE – registered but unlikely to attend, it would seem. 
Paul Maassen – the rest of PRRO seems to be gung-ho.  


Paul proposes a virtual annual meeting .   A Happy Hour.   

Paul proposes a meeting Thursday, September 9, 4 PM, 5pm ET.

Everyone agrees.  This is before the NPR board meeting and the PRPD meeting. 

TAKE NOTE:  Dan Skinner says at spring 2019 we elected officers:  Treasurer Secretary Board member 1(Myrna) and board member 3  (Richard Miles)

Dan and Paul will review the by-laws and will send a note out proposing how we handle the elections and the annual meeting.

3.  NPR board election results – brief discussion – mostly positive response to the results. 

4.  Richard Miles’ station WBAA in West Lafayette Indiana was merged with WFYI in Indianapolis.  Paul says “Purdue got out of the radio business.”  Richard has gone to WBJC, a classical station in Baltimore. He’s employed by Purdue til October to assist in the transition.   Paul proposes that we find out if his new station will become a member so he can stay on the board. Some by-laws research needs to be done.

5. Discussion about NPR board decision to create podcasting subscription and communicating that with stations –Was there enough communication to stations about how that affects the stations?  Nico says there has been a good amount of communication -probably not enough.  

Nico describes the phases of the NPR service subscription platform roll-out. He says – Everyone is nervous around podcasting. NPR is trying to be part of the game. 

Regina says it sounds thoughtful and she is in favor of the sponsor free aspect of it. 

She suggests that we have a deep dive Zoom about the podcasting issue for our members.

Dan and Paul will huddle about by-laws and elections.

Meeting adjourns at 3:35pm ET

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