Board Conference Call
January 4, 2005
2:30 p.m. ET
Present: Patty Wente KWMU (President); Dorie Vallillo WIUM (Treasurer); Christina Kuzmych WFIU (Board Member #2/serving as Secretary); Cleve Callison WMUB (Secretary/serving as Vice-President); Bill McGinley WOI, Board Member #1, Tim Emmons, WNIU (Vice-President); Craig Beeby KOSU, (Chair-Nominating Committee)
I. Meeting began at 2:35 p.m. ET .
II. Nominating Committee Report.
Craig Beeby, Chair, presented the slate. There is one vacancy: Board Member No. 2. Vacancies need to be voted on at the annual meeting. President has right to appoint, with Board approval. Cleve appointed as vice-president; Christina approved as secretary. The only other person indicating interest is Jon Schwartz. Nomination committee unanimously recommends that Jon be appointed and approved by Board, with elections held at annual meeting in the fall.
III. PRIMA Winter Meeting.
Cleve was able to enlist APM as a luncheon sponsor at $1,000. The agenda was discussed and approved. There were a few changes in scheduling, but not in content. Ernie Sanchez and Meg Miller may be the legal representatives. Other possibilities were discussed in the event that Meg can’t make it. Board dinner will take place on Wednesday evening the 15 th at 7 p.m. .. Reservation for 12. Names of guests should be sent to Patty. Discussion about IOWA can take place at breakfast on the 16 th . Agenda will start out with a station highlights round robin and will end with a general conference recap. Cleve asked for moderator suggestions. There are two Prima scholarship contenders. It was decided to give two partial scholarships at $750. Both contenders are general managers from small stations representing Lincoln Nebraska and Lansing Michigan.
IV. Discussion about PRLF 2006 Prima Resolution.
As per discussion at the December Board meeting, Cleve formulated a Resolution in favor of the PRLF taking place in Washington . There was one revision that several people had suggested via e-mail. Revised version sent to Board on December 15. It was decided that Prima members should vote on the Resolution in February at the business meeting. Members will receive this resolution prior to the conference.
V. Scheduling next meeting.
The Board will not meet before the San Antonio conference. If there is any information to be shared before then, Patty will e-mail all.
VI. Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. ET .
Submitted January 4, 2005
Christina Kuzmych
(Board Member #2/serving as Secretary)