March 20, 2019
2:30 pm CT
In attendance by telephone:
Paul Maassen
Dan Skinner
Regina Dean
Nico Leone
Tim Eby
Steve Schramm
2019 PRIMA Spring Conference/NPR fly-in April 15-16th., including PRIMA Business meeting
PRIMA Conference April 15-16, 2019
Final logistics for PRIMA conference scheduled for
We discussed a possible pre –meeting for the board, It was decided we would not.
NPR Will handle their portion of the meeting. PRIMA would not need to handle any part of that.
Name tags should be produced for the meeting – Regina would bring those.
We have 28 members attending for the PRIMA Meeting
With NPR brings us to 44 which is our target #.
PRIMA Business meeting will involve election of officers which has the following slate of Candidates presented by the nominations committee.
Nominations Committee Chair, Paul Maassen presented slate of officers by the committee. Board Member #1 –Myrna Johnson (incumbent) Board Member #3 – Richard Miles
Secretary: Neenah Ellis Treasurer: Regina Dean Board Member #3: Richard Miles
The Secretary and Treasure positions do not have term limits. Ellis and Dean are the incumbents. Richard Miles is standing for election for his first term. The elections will take place on April 15, 2019 at the Annual PRIMA Business Meeting in St Louis Also, according to the bylaws:
Section 2. Additional Officer Nominations: The committee will receive additional nominations from the Membership that will be included on the final ballot providing such nominations shall be received no later than 15 calendar days before the Annual Meeting. Any member of the Association may submit a nomination for any office to the committee. To be valid the nominator and the person nominated must be designated representatives to the Association in good standing at the time the nomination is made. Nominations may be made by associate or full members, however, only those qualified to hold office can be nominated.
– Tim Eby noted that Dave Edwards will be retiring and we should recognize with a gift at the PRIMA Conference – suggestions Botanical garden gift certificate – Tim will check, Regina will look at a card. Vanilla Custard was also suggested. All agreed that it would be tasty.
Finally, Paul Maassen, PRIMA President, noted that Tim Eby would be term limiting off the Board after today’s meeting. Paul took the opportunity to thank Tim for his service and exceptional work as a PRIMA Board Member. All Agreed. Tim thanked all for their support while he was on the Board.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:23pm ET
Next meeting is Wednesday July 17, 2019, 2:30 pm.