January 21, 2009


Board Conference Call
January 21, 2009
11:30 a.m. ET

Present: Cleve Callison, WMUB (President); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Vice President) Dan Skinner, Texas Public Radio, (Secretary); Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer), Al Bartholet, WKSU (Board Member No. 1), Jon Schwartz, Wyoming Public Radio, (Board Member No. 2), Bill Wheelhouse, WUIS, (Board Member No. 3)

I. Meeting began at 11:33 a.m. E.T.

II. Scholarship Recipients
Kate Lochte, WKMS and Anthony Hunt, WVPE have applied for the scholarship. It was moved that Kate Lochte be awarded a full scholarship and Anthony Hunt the partial scholarship. It was seconded and discussion followed. The motion passed.

III. Final Review of Plans for San Antonio PRIMA Meeting
Cleve thanked the PRIMA board, and especially Christina Kuzmych, for their work on preparing and promoting the conference. Christina provided an update to the board regarding conference planning and arrangements. The plan is for the meeting to be very interactive with plenty of opportunity for discussion. There will be a need for a strong moderator(s). The board discussed processes and outcomes for the conference. Dan will check on availability of facilitator on Thursday to help with session summaries. Board agreed to meet again via conference call on January 28th at 2:30 p.m. ET.

V. Meeting adjourned at 12:18 p.m. E.T.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner, Secretary

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