PRIMA Winter 2009 Conference
Thursday, February 5, 2009
4:00-5:00 pm
La Mansion, San Antonio, Texas
PRIMA President Cleve Callison called the meeting to order at 4:06 p.m.
Callison declared that a quorum was present.
No additions or corrections were offered.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda.
The Membership unanimously approved.
PRIMA Secretary Dan Skinner
The Minutes of the Business Meeting of September 11, 2008 was presented.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Secretary’s Report.
The Membership unanimously approved.
PRIMA Treasurer Dorie Vallillo | |
Balance in checking account 09/11/09 | $27,363.19 |
Income | $ 9,261.08 |
Expenses | $12,967.52 |
Balance in checking account 02/6/09 | $23,656.75 |
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. The Membership unanimously approved. |
PRIMA President Cleve Callison
Cleve updated us on his role to attend the NPR Board Meetings. He reported on discussions between Regional Board Presidents prior to NPR Board meetings to review items of feedback to the NPR Board. Cleve will ask PRIMA membership about concerns they would like expressed to the NPR Board.
Thanks to Dan Skinner and the staff of Texas Public Radio for hosting the conference. Cleve acknowledged Anthony Hunt as the recipient of this year’s PRIMA scholarship and noted that this has been a difficult year for travel budgets. However, PRIMA felt it was important that we meet during these times for consultation with our presenters, the new President of NPR, Vivian Schiller and the opportunity to visit with colleagues.
Future PRIMA Meetings
Christina Kuzmych reported that Chicago, Springfield, Eagle Crest outside of Detroit, Memphis, Saint Louis and Louisville are all on the list of future meeting sites for consideration. The membership discussed the need for and possible location of a Fall Membership meeting considering budget restrictions. The treasurer reported that because attendance was down for this meeting the organization will lose money on the event. However, there was general feeling that the current meeting very valuable and the format of the discussions were productive. Should PRIMA hold just one meeting per year? The membership suggested that a survey be sent to the PRIMA membership to ascertain their ability to attend a meeting in the Fall. It was suggested that the next meeting site be chosen in regard to how many of the members would be able to drive to the location.
Resolution from U-SA (See Addendum for the text of the resolution.)
Craig Beebe presented a revised version of the resolution that was originally presented and discussed at the last member meeting. The changes recommended at the previous member meeting were incorporated in to the revised resolution. The resolution is designed to be used as a tool for stations in working with their University licensees.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Resolution from U-SA.
The Membership unanimously approved.
Information Item: Cleve Callison indicated that there will be the need to form a nominating committee in the event that Cleve is no longer an Authorized Rep as of the end of June 2009 and unable to continue in his role as PRIMA President. His resignation would create a vacancy on the board that would need to be addressed. Cleve noted that PRIMA will need to select a new treasurer at the end of the current term in 1.5 years.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:42 p.m.
University Tenets of Public Radio Station
Ownership and Operation
Mission and Planning
The university* recognizes that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licenses the station to serve the community’s interests and needs on a daily basis.
The station’s staff, board, university licensee, financial resources, and activities are focused around a clear sense of mission.
The station’s programs, underwriting, fundraising, and other services effectively advance its public service mission and that of its university licensee.
The station and university licensee demonstrate current and appropriate evidence of planning.
Fundraising provides a means for listeners, underwriters, major donors and grant providers to become involved and to express their support of public radio.
The integrity of the station membership data base should be protected. The station is bound by law to safeguard its membership data base and adhere to restrictive sharing guidelines.
Fundraising practices should adhere to nationally accepted professional standards.
Fundraising provides revenue for identified needs and advances the mission of public radio.
Finance and Regulation
The station follows generally accepted accounting procedures and complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and Federal Communications Commission requirements.
Resources are developed, managed, and allocated in a manner that advances the station’s mission and sustains its financial viability.
Human Resources
As mandated by FCC regulations and in accordance with university policies, each university-licensee must control the selection of on-air talent and program content. This control is normally delegated to station management and professional staff. Accordingly, if students and/or volunteers participate in the station’s operations, the station management and professional staff must be in a position of review and control of their work.
The station’s staff and volunteers have the appropriate education, training, experience, and support to accomplish their work.
Staffing should be adequate to meet work expectations and needs.
Responsibilities and reporting lines should be clearly defined and understood.
Programming and Public Service
With the FCC requirement that the station serve the community, the station automatically expands the university’s outreach and connection with the community daily.
Public service and programs extend the station’s capacity to provide quality life-long learning experience for the community.
There are firewall issues related to the news department. The independence of the station’s news department should not be compromised. The integrity of the station will reflect positively upon the university if it is seen as fair and impartial.
Continuous evaluation ensures the relevancy and viability of all program offerings.
University Reporting Structure
The governance structure and processes effectively advance the station’s mission.
The university and station administrations should have a clear and shared understanding of their roles and responsibilities and a commitment to the mission of the station and university.
*University – is a generic title that also includes colleges, school systems, and state agencies. Adopted 2008 University Station Alliance
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner
Secretary, Public Radio in Mid-America
February 18, 2009