Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2015
Called to Order: 2:30 PM
Board Members Present: Dan Skinner, Tim Eby, Karen Olstad, Mike Savage, Regina Dean, Christina Kuzmych, Paul Maasson, Steve Schram
Guest: Greg Petrowich
- PRIMA Scholarship for Super Regional in San Antonio–Regina
- We awarded two scholarships
- Roxanna Caldwell, Station Manager, WFYI
- Chad Lampe, Interim Station Manager, WKMS.
- Regina is working with them on registration and travel reimbursement and reports that they are very appreciative of the opportunity
- We awarded two scholarships
- PRIMA Annual Meeting at Super Regional —Dan
- Dan will not be attending due the transition with his new position though he would like to participate by phone. Vice Chair Paul Maason will run the meeting
- Paul will arrange with hotel to make meeting available by phone
- Karen will not be able to attend either, Regina volunteered to take minutes
- Meeting is scheduled for last thing on agenda at conference, concern about how many members will be in attendance
- We will make participation by phone available for all members
- Board is looking at options for future annual meeting times
- Question regarding who can vote—is it only people physically present at the meeting? Dan will review By Laws.
- Dan will work with Paul to develop an agenda for meeting
- PRIMA Spring Conference
- The board discussed numerous possible locations for PRIMA Conference and narrowed it down to four cities to explore further.
- New Orleans was suggested but not centrally located and requiring most people to fly. Paul said that he could work on hotel options.
- Kansas City—city of our founding, station manager offered to help, Dan is nearby, Dan will reach out to the manager.
- Indianapolis—central location, staff there would probably help. Mike will reach out to WFYI station management.
- Columbus—Karen will be contact
- We will approach people at member stations in these cities, then survey the membership on suggested locations to inform decision. Dan will organize.\
- Discussion of possible dates. Last year it was first week in May.
- Should set date ASAP in order to attempt to get on Jarl’s calendar
- The board discussed numerous possible locations for PRIMA Conference and narrowed it down to four cities to explore further.
- PRIMA Dues–Regina
- Fiscal year begins October 1, invoices were recently sent and are due
- NPR Board Update
- Election is still open, please vote if you haven’t yet
Meeting adjourned at 3:32 PM.
Next meeting: Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Olstad