October 21, 2015

Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2015

Called to Order:  2:30 PM

Board Members Present:  Dan Skinner, Tim Eby, Karen Olstad, Mike Savage, Regina Dean, Christina Kuzmych, Paul Maasson, Steve Schram

Guest: Greg Petrowich

  1. PRIMA Scholarship for Super Regional in San Antonio–Regina
    1. We awarded two scholarships
      1. Roxanna Caldwell, Station Manager, WFYI
      2. Chad Lampe, Interim Station Manager, WKMS.
    2. Regina is working with them on registration and travel reimbursement and reports that they are very appreciative of the opportunity
  2. PRIMA Annual Meeting at Super Regional —Dan
    1. Dan will not be attending due the transition with his new position though he would like to participate by phone. Vice Chair Paul Maason will run the meeting
    2. Paul will arrange with hotel to make meeting available by phone
    3. Karen will not be able to attend either, Regina volunteered to take minutes
    4. Meeting is scheduled for last thing on agenda at conference, concern about how many members will be in attendance
    5. We will make participation by phone available for all members
    6. Board is looking at options for future annual meeting times
    7. Question regarding who can vote—is it only people physically present at the meeting? Dan will review By Laws.
    8. Dan will work with Paul to develop an agenda for meeting
  3. PRIMA Spring Conference
    1. The board discussed numerous possible locations for PRIMA Conference and narrowed it down to four cities to explore further.
      1. New Orleans was suggested but not centrally located and requiring most people to fly. Paul said that he could work on hotel options.
      2. Kansas City—city of our founding, station manager offered to help, Dan is nearby, Dan will reach out to the manager.
      3. Indianapolis—central location, staff there would probably help. Mike will reach out to WFYI station management.
      4. Columbus—Karen will be contact
    2. We will approach people at member stations in these cities, then survey the membership on suggested locations to inform decision. Dan will organize.\
    3. Discussion of possible dates. Last year it was first week in May.
    4. Should set date ASAP in order to attempt to get on Jarl’s calendar
  4. PRIMA Dues–Regina
    1. Fiscal year begins October 1, invoices were recently sent and are due
  5. NPR Board Update
    1. Election is still open, please vote if you haven’t yet

Meeting adjourned at 3:32 PM.

Next meeting: Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Olstad

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