August 5, 2008


Executive Board Conference Call
August 5, 2008
2:30 ET

Present: Cleve Callison, Christina Kuzmych, Dorie Vallillo, Jon Schwartz, Al Bartholet  Scott Hanley, guest

Registration Protocols for Fall PRIMA/NPR Meeting

The registration issues concerning the hotel have been ironed out.  However, it’s not clear as to how the NPR sign-up works, particularly affecting PRIMA registrants.

Christina will remind Page to include the link.  Will also send another mail blast to PRIMAtes.

PRIMA Pittsburgh Activities

Scott Hanley provided a description of the hotel.  Turn-of-century building by Frick. Lawrence Welk first used his bubble machine in this hotel.  There are a ton of elevators. Food is good.  Walking distance to shopping.  No sales tax on clothes.

Training module speakers:  Scott will talk to members of Leadership Pittsburgh on Thursday.  They may have some interesting speakers on the topic of leadership for non-profits.

Event: PRIMA visited the Warhol Museum in 1994.  Also offered a picnic at the transmitter site.  This was a popular activity with the last conference members. Provides interesting ride and view.

A reception at just about any place we want.

We can also plan an activity for Wednesday.  However, since Wednesday belongs to NPR, we should consult with them.

Christina will keep in touch with Scott to finalize plans.  Scott presented airport travel options.

Conference Session Planning

Christina sent a conference planning draft.

Cleve reminded that there are several controversial issues:  governance, dues, collaborative fundraising.  These may be presented on Wednesday.

Group decided to include opportunities for PRIMA discussions.  The conference plan will be refined.

We will need to get more information from Dana and Page as to NPR session content.

On a related topic, Cleve reported that he received an inquiry from an NPR board member to sign a petition to get the NPR By-Laws change on the ballot before the membership.  Cleve indicated that as PRIMA President he needed to decline, so as not to leave the perception that PRIMA is supporting a By-Laws change.

PRIMA board members need to be present in PRIMA Suite from 9 p.m. on.  This helps to create momentum and attendance.

Planning for February meeting in San Antonio

The February meeting will be planned for PRIMA only.  Dorie reminded that PRIMA voted to hold one meeting in conjunction with NPR, and one apart from NPR.

The group supported the February 4 to 6 dates.  Knowing that it’s a PRIMA-only meeting will allow for planning with Dan Skinner’s staff.

David Liroff and John Sutton are two possibilities for guests.  Speakers from CPB should also be included in this meeting, since we won’t have any CPB reps at the Pittsburgh meeting.

Decision was made to start negotiating with the hotel with the February 4 to 6 dates.

Agenda Items for Business Meeting

Nominating report.  Tim Eby has agreed to be on committee; Regina Dean, Jay Pierce. Cleve still needs to find two more members for the committee to satisfy by-laws requirements.

PRIMA may need to discuss formal responses to any of the NPR initiatives.

Other items are encouraged.  Please send to Cleve.

The CPB decision to add 10 more stations needs to be discussed.  Will there be a reduction for other stations?  This should be discussed at meeting.

Next Conference Call

August 26 was proposed. This is one week earlier, to enable the group to make last-minute decisions prior to September.


3:15 p.m. ET

Submitted by Christina Kuzmych for Dan Skinner


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