February 21, 2019


Wednesday February , 21, 2019 

Steve Schramm – present 

Neenah Ellis – present 

Tim and Nico at the NPR board meeting 

Paul Maassen present 

Regina Dean – present 

Dan Skinner – present late 

Mike Riksen can’t join the call today. He’ll be on the next call. 

Finalize logistics and details for the conference/fly-in 

Paul meeting with Gemma 2/22/19 

Steve Schramm working the hotel situation in St. Louis. 

Newest hotel close to St. Louis Public radio -Angad Arts Hotel.com 

Rate of 133/night (the government rate) 

10 per night for parking 

Steve will sign the agreement. 

Room block will be held til March 29. 

After that, they will be released and we won’t be penalized if they aren’t used. 

April 14 and 15. Sunday night and Monday night. Could get the third night,too. 

Everything else will be at St. Louis Public Radio. 

There will be a custom link that can go into our announcement for our members. 

PRIMA members get first crack at rooms. 

Steve Schramm will finalize the agreement asap, he’ll have it from the hotel today. Paul would like to post this info to the membership tomorrow. 


10 am start Monday 

we could cover three or four topics before the NPR presentation at 2pm 

Business meeting – there is one open seat on the board that we need to fill. Tim Eby is term limiting off. Board member number three. We have to put that out 30 days in advance. We need a nomination committee for that. 

Paul suggests we have it later in the morning. 

Steve has some names from work on the Greater Public Board. He will serve. 

Paul will served. 

Nico is volunteered in his absence. 


1. Someone from RRC. Lots of shifts in that landscape. Helpful to have an overview of the ratings landscape. 

Steve knows Dave Sullivan from RRC who can give a good presentation. Steve is vice chair of RRC. He will contact Sullivan to see if he can present. 

For example: what can stations claim about ratings. Steve recommends that he be given the 11 am slot. 

2. Maybe a podcasting discussion over lunch. 

Regina suggests that we have an open discussion about our concerns about the compact, important issues before the stations. 

A “general session” with four or five topics? 

Paul will call Ernie Sanchez and tell him that we aren’t going to do a general legal issues session. 

Paul will make sure the website is up to speed. 

Dave Edwards is retiring. PRIMA will give him a salute of some kind. Perhaps NPR will do the same. 

2pm NPR starts 

There will be no charge for the conference. 

Dan Skinner checking into how to track attendees. 

NPR will organize an evening dinner. 

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