January 6, 2009


Board Conference Call
January 6, 2009
2:30 ET

Present: Cleve Callison, WMUB (President); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Vice President) Dan Skinner, Texas Public Radio, (Secretary); Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer), Al Bartholet, WKSU (Board Member No. 1), Jon Schwartz, Wyoming Public Radio, (Board Member No. 2), Bill Wheelhouse, WUIS, (Board Member No. 3)

I. Meeting began at 2:33 E.T.

II. Discussion about Winter Conference in San Antonio
The committed and potential speakers for the conference were discussed. The preliminary agenda for PRIMA conference presented and discussed. NPR plans to send six people to PRIMA meeting. Feedback from CPB is that they feel Winter PRIMA conference will have too low attendance to justify CPB participation. The value of CPB participation in the PRIMA Conference was also discussed.

III. PRIMA Scholarship for Conference
Cleve discussed offering scholarships for Winter Conference. The board agreed to do so.

IV. Assignments to Call for Conference
Cleve will distribute list of people to call to invite them to attend the conference.

V. Remote Attendance for Winter Conference
Can we use technology (Face To Face Company) to allow people to attend in St. Louis via Tele-presence? Does it work against attendance? Do we have enough time/budget to pull it off? The Board decided not to pursue this option for the Winter Conference.

VI. CPB Stimulus Proposal to Obama
There was a brief discussion of CPB’s Stimulus Proposal sent today to President Elect Obama. It first glance appears to be public television centric and represents additional funding beyond the normal CPB appropriation.

VII. Meeting adjourned at 3:32 p.m. E.T.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner, Secretary


On 1/7/09 the Board voted via e-mail to change the Winter Conference registration fee to $225 for all registrants.

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