June 7, 2005


Board Conference Call
June 7, 2005
2:00 p.m. E.T.


Present: Patty Wente, KWMU (President); Tim Eby, WOSU (Past President), Jon Schwartz, KUWR (Board Member No. 2), Bill McGinley, WOI (Board Member No. 1) (WOI) Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Secretary); Cleve Callison, WMUB (Vice-President)

I. Meeting began at 2 p.m. ET .

II. CSG Review

Bill McGinley reported on the panel review of CSG. Recalculating of rural status was one of the points discussed. Some stations may lose money, so a sliding scale was proposed. The Bonus incentive program would no longer be called “Bonus.” The window for comments is still opened. Many managers are mainly concerned with how the new proposal affects their stations only. This is an opportunity for PRIMA to invite Vinnie to a regional discussion of the CSG proposal. Patty asked if everyone is ready for a summer meeting to discuss details. Bill suggested meeting in summer to have comments ready to give to CPB by September. Another suggestion was to use the Survey Monkey to gauge reaction to CSG proposals. The results of the A-Reps survey on this topic were inconclusive. Some of the “sore points” that came out were in areas of “change in general.” Many people didn’t want to deal with change. “Community service’ was another area that generated concern. People were skeptical of the metrics used to assess community service.

Patty discouraged from sending out yet another survey. CPB already sent out a survey. Why generate another one? Jon thought that the survey could substitute for a meeting.

Bill mentioned that the auditing process is an area that concerns all, including CPB. Stations report information differently.

Restructuring from 7 levels to 4 will have a strong effect.

2006 will give all stations an opportunity to try out the new program and see how it works. 2007 will offer further opportunity for tweaking. In 2008, the full force of this proposal will be in effect.

New Media usage is another criteria that will push stations to compete more effectively in the new media environment.

In terms of PRIMA input, maybe an interconnect would be the answer.

Patty will call Vinnie and ask for suggestions as to how to get more system wide comments and reaction.

The PRIMA Board retreat may be a good opportunity for a meeting with Vinnie.

III. CPB Board Seat

Tim will talk with reps at NPR about the CPB Board seat, currently empty. He will propose that it be filled with someone who is favorably disposed to radio. The process goes to the Senate Minority Leader for selection of 4 names. Leader would submit one name to President Bush.

IV. PRIMA Board Retreat

July 23 at 5 p.m. is the congregating time. Patty will send out particulars. Travel reimbursement information needs to be sent to Dorie. Patty suggested that Peter Dominowski be called in to moderate the meeting. Mark Sachs was also suggested as was Linda Carr. Patty will follow up.

V. 30 th Anniversary Meeting

Patty Cahill is working with Patty and Cleve to finalize hotel details. Riding horses is not in the cards because of insurance costs.

VI. Other

Steve Salyer is resigning from PRI.

The CPB Ombudsman issue was discussed.

VII. Meeting Adjourned at 3:10 p.m. E.T.

Respectfully submitted,

Christina Kuzmych, Secretary


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