May 17, 2005


Board Conference Call
May 17, 2005
2:30 p.m. ET


Present: Patty Wente, KWMU (President); Tim Eby WOSU, (Past President), Jon Schwartz, KUWR (Board Member No. 2), Bill McGinley, WOI, (Board Member No. 1) (WOI) Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Secretary)

I. Meeting began at 2:30 p.m. ET .

II. PRRO Activity

There was a conference call for Regional heads organized by Dana Rhem. Requesting names for a radio seat open on CPB Board. It’s traditionally been a Democratic seat. It has been open for more than a year. Suggested names will go to Mike Riksen. PRIMA should provide several names such as Don Mullaly, Bill Siemering, Bill Kling, Bill Moyers. We also may need to have a clearer idea about criteria. We should also think of suggesting someone who would be a friend to public radio. Patty will put forward the names of Don Mullaly, Bill Siemering, and Bill Kling.

III. Board Retreat

St Louis June 23 and 24. Patty asked Bruce Haines and Craig Beeby to join the Board.

PRIMA would pay for travel and board. 23 rd would include dinner. Board members will review the By-laws. The budget will be reviewed in terms of how PRIMA uses it. The scholarship program will be reviewed. Also, strategic initiatives PRIMA should undertake with management training. Topics like lobbying, managing, strategic planning, could be topics for further consideration. The question of marketing, and branding in particular, needs to be explored. This is one issue that gets put on the back burner in most meetings. Another idea put forth was the development of more cohort groups within PRIMA to address critical system issues. The new NPR Local News Initiative is another area that PRIMA may want to “adopt” as a regional project.

Another topic to take up at the Board meeting is membership and attendance. There is a dearth of response to questionnaires and other initiatives.

IV. CSG Review

Patty asked if all PRIMA Board members saw the CSG survey sent out by CPB. She reported on the PRRO Group comments on the new system. Some managers were troubled by the idea of Washington telling managers how to run their stations. The proposed bonus system tends to do this. Percentage of major donors as a part of membership is another example of what can be perceived as overreach by Washington . On the other hand, the criteria proposed by CPB have the effect of pushing stations to perform better in order to compete in the new media environment.

V. 30 th Anniversary Meeting

Kansas City was approved as the place. The proposed dates were October 6 and 7. Forty-two people attended the last PRIMA meeting according to Dorie. Proposed dates will be sent out to PRIMA membership. Dorie said that PRIMA membership was a little over 70 members. PRIMA meeting needs to avoid the PRPD dates as well as Eastern Public Radio meeting dates. End of September is also a possibility.

VI. Meeting Adjourned at 3:20 p.m. ET .

Respectfully submitted,
Christina Kuzmych, Secretary


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