Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2014
Called to Order: 11:37 AM EDT
Board Members Present: Regina Dean, Christina Kuzmych, Karen Olstad, Paul Maasson, Mike Savage, Steve Schram, Dan Skinner.
Guest: Tom Hunt, Greg Petrovich
- Feedback on PRIMA Survey Results-Dan sent results to PRRO. WSPR is contemplating sending out a similar survey. Results were mixed without clear direction. Discussion of various options including adding “mini PRIMA” to NPR Road Show meetings this spring. Board will review prior to next board meeting to decide on next steps.
- Report on PRIMA New Member Recruitment – Christina — letter sent to encourage non-member stations in region to join. Draft sent to board members for review. Christina asks for feedback. Suggested that we could set up opportunities for all members to join in a conference call to interact with system/station leaders in between conferences. Steve suggested that we include testimonials from managers/leaders on why PRIMA is important.
- Report on PRRO Phone Meeting – Dan– Looking at locations in the west for next Super Regional conference the week following election in November. Trying to coordinate with AREPs Annual Meeting.
- Dash Conference – Steve Schram attended the DASH conference produced by Jacobs Media about center stack infotainment devices being installed in new cars and on how people will use infotainment in cars in the future. He reported that the conference was excellent. It included commercial and public radio as well as auto industry, manufacturers and content producers. Steve will send highlights from the conference to members for review. It is important for station managers to understand what NPR is dealing with and the impact for stations. Public radio needs to make sure that we are taken into consideration; otherwise we will be left behind.
- NPR Board Update – Greg – CEO search is progressing, Greg hasn’t heard anything, hoping for an update at the February board meeting.
- Next NPR Board Meeting is in February – Contact Dan if there are any issues or input that you would like Dan to share with the board.
- USA Update – Tom – No meeting since Super Regional, board is meeting tomorrow (1/15), will have a report for next PRIMA call.
- Other-
Discussion about the new CPB disclosure requirements. Participants discussed frustration with lack of specific information from CPB on how to comply. Karen volunteered to contact PMBA to see if they have templates that could be shared with PRIMA members and used in marketing materials for prospective members.
Adjourned at 12:50.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Olstad