January 10, 2012

Board Conference Call
12:35PM CT

Present: Dan Skinner, Christina Kuzmych, Regina Dean, Tom Hunt, Al Bartholet

  1. Discussion regarding representation and the letter to be shared with NPR as the eventual outcome calling for a meeting with NPR president Gary Knell. The letter had been shared with the boards of the other regionals, with broad endorsement from all.
  2. Update the PRIMA website some tweaking desired to better demonstrate the youthful vitality of the group.  Dan will take the initiative to make some suggested changes. Also a discussion on a logo update, could be a key element. Some discussion on an updated newsletter. This is all a part of an effort to increase the current membership base, some stations have dropped and currently PRIMA is looking for five to ten new members.
  3. Next meeting February 7 followed by March 6.

Respectfully submitted by Al Bartholet, PRIMA Secretary

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