February 8, 2005


Board Conference Call
February 8, 2005
2:30 p.m. ET


Present: Patty Wente KWMU (President); Dorie Vallillo WIUM (Treasurer); Christina Kuzmych WFIU (Board Member #2/serving as Secretary); Cleve Callison WMUB (Secretary/serving as Vice-President); Tim Emmons , WNIU (Vice-President); Tim Eby WOSU (Past President)

I. Meeting began at 2:30 p.m. ET .

II. PRIMA Winter Meeting.

Cleve reported that arrangements for the Winter meeting are in order. American Public Media will be sponsoring one of the lunches. There will be two Board dinners; Tuesday at 7 at Las Leyendas with NPR; Wednesday at 8 at Las Canarias with CPB. The agenda is set, for the most part. We will not be able to have the PRIMA Suite in the same place for both nights. However, this may still change. Dorie reported that so far there are 45 registrants. PRIMA will present a plaque to John Batson, WWNO, on his upcoming retirement.

III. PRLF Meeting.

Patty mentioned that the planners of the PRLF meeting in Washington are seeking a lead speaker. Tavis Smiley and Bob Edwards had been recommended by members of other regionals. There was some discussion about the fact that both individuals represent public radio’s past. We may be better served to look to someone more inclined to address the future. Recommendations from PRIMA members are encouraged.

IV. NPR Board Meeting.

Tim Eby reported that one of the main topics for the upcoming NPR Board meeting will be Journalistic Integrity. The issue of diversity will be coming up at the Board meeting after the PRLF. PRIMA members will be asked for input at the San Antonio meeting.

V. Scheduling next meeting.

The Board will meet next in San Antonio . Patty will e-mail the PRIMA Suite (Room 426) info to the membership.

VI. Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. ET .

Submitted February 8, 2005

Christina Kuzmych
(Board Member #2/serving as Secretary)


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