Executive Board Conference Call
August 26, 2008
2:30 ET
Present: Cleve Callison, WMUB (President); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Vice President) Dan Skinner, Texas Public Radio, (Secretary); Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer), Jon Schwartz, Wyoming Public Radio, (Board Member No. 2), Bill Wheelhouse, WUIS, (Board Member No. 3)
I. Meeting began at 2:40 E.T.
II. Nomination Committee Report from Tim Eby
Present slate from Nomination Committee:
Vice President: Christina Kuzmych/WFIU in Bloomington, IN (1st full Term)
Treasurer: Dorie Vallillo/WIUM in Macomb, IL
Board Position #1: Al Bartholet/WKSU in Kent, OH (2nd Term)
Board Position #2: Jon Schwartz/Wyoming Public Radio in Laramie, WY (2nd Term)
In addition, at the Annual Meeting the membership will also need to ratify the following positions to the board who were appointed by the President last year for the remaining one year of their terms. They are Secretary: Dan Skinner/Texas Public Radio in San Antonio, TX and Board Position #3: Bill Wheelhouse/WUIS IN Springfield, IL
Tim discussed succession plan for Treasure position. Suggested Keith Neisler serve as assistant treasure for training to succeed Dorie Vallillo.
III. Update on 2008 Fall Conference in Pittsburgh
Dana and Paige from NPR joined the conference call to discuss NPR staff registration and reservations for Conference. Need to reconcile NPR and PRIMA list of who is attending. They also discussed the agenda for the NPR Consultation prior to the PRIMA Meeting. Topics to include: Why a “New Deal” is needed between NPR and Stations, Rebuilding the Network, Content Production, Distribution (including Digital), Fundraising and Listener Support, etc.
Given low level of PRIMA registration at the moment, there was concerned expressed that the input given during NPR Consultation may not be representative of PRIMA as a whole. There may need to be follow-up with the PRIMA membership to provide better feedback to NPR regarding the “New Deal.”
Cleve asked that board members be in the PRIMA Suite by 9 p.m. to greet members as they arrive. Discussed low registration for Conference and talked about ideas to encourage attendance. Also discussed Winter Meeting in San Antonio and what we will need to do to promote that conference.
V. Meeting adjourned at 3:17 p.m. E.T.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner, Secretary