Board Conference call
July 25, 2006
2:30 ET
Present: Patty Wente , KWMU (President); Cleve Callison, WMUB (Vice-President); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Secretary); Jon Schwartz, WPR (Board Member No. 2, Tim Eby, WOSU, (Vice President), Dan Skinner, WBAA (Board Member No. 1)
I. Meeting began at 2:30 E.T.
II. Fall Meeting Planning
The Board made calls to PRIMA members asking for feedback about the upcoming Fall meeting, as well as ideas for topics. Some of the topics emerging from these calls were 1) how to grow audience amidst increased competition, 2) localism – how to “take charge of our community,” 3) strategic technology planning – what to invest in and in what order, 4) managing change, 5) PRIMA’s role in the U:SA initiative, 6) CSI and its delayed status, 7) Ask the Attorneys session, 8) several people asked for a more interactive “open space” session concept, 9) some members asked for more focus on internal station operations.
Greg Schnirring would like to present CPB concerns about the CSI. Dana Rhem and Maria Thomas were interested in participating. APM and PRI requested time. Craig Beeby asked if members wanted to hear about his station expansion project in Oklahoma . Patty will talk to him about this possibility.
A facilitator may be a good idea. Michael Ostroff (the Ostroff Group) was recommended by Patty. She asked that Board members attending PRDMC meet with him and assess his potential as a possible facilitator.
Board retreat will happen the day before the full meeting. A tour of WOSU is also possible. PRIMA Board dinner is scheduled for Wednesday evening.
III. Nominations for Board
Patty will appoint a Chair for the Nominating Committee.
IV. Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. ET .
Respectfully submitted,
Christina Kuzmych, Secretary