Executive Board Conference Call
November 4 , 2008
2:30 ET
Present: Cleve Callison, WMUB (President); Dan Skinner, Texas Public Radio, (Secretary); Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer), Bill Wheelhouse, WUIS, (Board Member No. 3)
I. Meeting began at 2:30 E.T.
II. Winter PRIMA Meeting in San Antonio
Cleve reported that Christina has made contact with the Omni La Mansion Del Rio Hotel. The hotel is preparing the contract for 40 rooms for both nights. The preparations will be similar to what we had in Pittsburgh. Scheduling of meetings will be similar to the past. Work remains to be done on the program for the meetings. Ideas for potential presenters were discussed. We hope to have the new NPR CEO appear at the PRIMA meeting. Would also like to invite Kevin Close to the meeting to honor him for his service to NPR. Christina and Dan will consult about available professional expertise in the San Antonio area.
III. Cleve’s Report on Eastern Public Radio Conference
Cleve thanked PRIMA for funding his attendance at the EPRC and reported on the meetings. Meetings tended to longer than typical PRIMA sessions but they held close to the agenda time table. Cleve was very impressed with MPR’s Public Insight Journalism presentation at the conference. Attendance was larger than PRIMA conferences with approximately 125 people including good industry participation from NPR, PRI, etc. Cleve shared significant differences between PRIMA and EPRC conferences. Attendees noted the demise of the PRC and suggested the creation of a “Super-Regional Conference” that would combine the regional organizations for an annual meeting. Also discussed other options for combining existing meetings into one big event, such as PRPD, PRNDI, PRDMC, etc.
IV. NPR Governing Board
Cleve reported on efforts to increase the level of communication between the NPR Board and the Public Radio Regional Organizations. Program pricing and NPR fundraising directly to listeners may prove to be controversial topics. Announcement of new NPR CEO is expected to come soon.
V. Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. E.T.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner, Secretary