May 1, 2012

Board Conference Call
May 1, 2012
1:30 p.m., ET
Participating by phone:
Al Bartholet, Christina Kuzmych, Regina Dean, Paul Maassen


a. Detailed information about the Regional meeting was provided on a memo to the group.

b. Paul Maassen volunteered to find an after-hours spot for PRIMA members and others to socialize, will make a recommendation to Christina.  This could be a location that will transcend the PRIMA suite and be open for all of those who care to attend.


a. A letter will soon be sent to station managers identified by PRIMA members as prospects for membership.

3.      NPR

a. Christina invited recommendations for items to bring up at the upcoming NPR Board meeting.

b. Christina will invite Mike Riksen from NPR to discuss station fundraising for Third-Party Non-Profit organizations.  Further explanation of the organization was behind the proposal was requested.

4.       Next meeting will take place on May 1 at 1:30 ET

5.       Adjourned at 2:15 p.m. ET

Respectfully submitted,
Al Bartholet, secretary

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