Board Conference Call
June 7, 2011
2:30 Eastern Time
Present: Dorothy Vallillo, Christina Kuzmych, Al Bartholet, Tom Hunt, Bill Wheelhouse, Paul Masssen,
Discussion of Fall PRIMA Conference Planning
Should start on Wednesday October 5, ending Friday October 7 at 12 noon. Cincinnati Westin. Invitees : President of NPR, Jon McTaggert CPB, APM, etc. Bill introduced a proposal for a session on a Management training session conducted by an associate from Thomas, Conley and Phelps. The session will focus on leadership effectiveness for change. After Christina consults with Cleve, we likely will move forward offering the consultant. $500 and travel. PRIMA business meeting during lunch on Thursday? IOG station update will be pursued for the agenda
Next Board Conference Call
It will be at 1:30 Eastern Time and will include an update on the nominating committee from Dan Skinner
Respectfully submitted by Al Bartholet, PRIMA Secretary