January 3, 2006


Board Conference Call
January 3, 2006
2:30 ET


Present: Patty Wente , KWMU (President); Cleve Callison, WMUB (Vice-President); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Secretary); Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer); Jon Schwartz, Wyoming Public Radio (Board Member No. 2); Dan Skinner, WBAA (Board Member No. 3)

 I. Meeting began at 2:30 E.T.

II. PRIMA Winter meeting locations

PRIMA needs to give Dana a location for the Round Robins and the PRIMA Winter Meeting. St. Louis , San Antonio were mentioned. NPR is looking for a hub location that makes travel easy. As far as dates are concerned, March 8 through 10 would work. PRIMA would have Wednesday afternoon March 8. NPR would have March 9 and 10.

The PRIMA portion would consist of the Business Meeting, including by-laws issues. We will have an additional 3 hours that could be dedicated to a break-out. Suggestion: Devote time to grassroots advocacy. As a system, we need to brainstorm as to how to best use Mike Riksen’s efforts to further our cause.. This is a topic that probably won’t show up on the Round Robin schedule.

Cleve will query the PRIMA membership as to location, as well as any topic members would want to see covered in the PRIMA portion of the meeting.

III. Meeting adjourned at 2:40 a.m. ET .

Respectfully submitted,
Christina Kuzmych, Secretary


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