Friday, October 1, 2010
Westin Crown Center, Kansas City
I. Call to Order & Determination of Quorum
President Christina Kuzmych called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m., October 1st. President Kuzmych determined a quorum was present.
II. Additions and Approval of the Agenda
No additions were made; a motion was made and seconded to accept the agenda; motion passed unanimously.
III. Secretary’s Report
PRIMA Vice President Dan Skinner, on behalf of Secretary Schwartz distributed the minutes of the winter meeting. No additions or corrections were raised. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the minutes; motion passed unanimously.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Vallillo distributed the financial reports. The PRIMA checking account balance as of 10/01/10 was $10,137.67. Vallillo reported that the expenses for the winter conference in New Orleans resulted in loss of $1,872.63. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the treasurer’s report; motion passed unanimously.
V. President’s Report
President Kuzmych thanked Patty Cahill of KCUR, our host station and PRIMA Vice President Dan Skinner for their excellent work planning and holding the Fall Conference.
She acknowledged the presence of Greg Petrowich, a PRIMA member also representing the NPR board, and Kit Jensen, new member to the NPR board.
She provided a report from the PRRO group activity. The PRRO group consists of the presidents of the four Regionals – PRIMA, Eastern Regional Public Radio, Western Public Radio, and California Public Radio. Presidents routinely attend the open sessions of NPR Board meetings on behalf of their membership. Detailed minutes from meetings are available on the NPR site. President Kuzmych encouraged PRIMA members to read these as they are posted.
Highlights and points discussed with the NPR staff and Board members.
- Michael Riksen, NPR Vice President for Policy and Representation, received this year’s PRRO Award. It was given for work accomplished on behalf of the public radio system in the areas of policy development, advocacy, and community engagement, and for his leadership in helping navigate through Sound Exchange related issues.
- A resolution by Western Public Radio and accepted by the PRRO regional presidents to add more transparency to NPR budgeting procedures by making documentation more readily available to stations.
- A resolution by PRIMA to ensure that NPR Board members attend Regional meetings to meet with their station manager constituency.
- A recommendation by PRIMA encouraging NPR to adopt a streamlined communication system with managers, particularly affecting digital technology information flow.
- Encouragement to NPR to adopt a regular update memo – similar to the old Memo to Managers—that highlights important information.
- A recommendation to NPR staff working on diversity recruitment to share potential minority candidate pools with the system, particularly as stations build diversity into their hiring procedures.
- A recommendation to NPR recruitment staff to consider high school journalism programs for strong potential candidates for internships within the system.
- Recommendation to NPR to create engage in systematic training opportunities for stations to build their way into the digital environment.
PRRO presidents noted the lack of quorum at the NPR A-Reps meeting, and the difficulty of bringing people together for meetings and conferences. Theyresolved to continue to seek solutions.
President Kuzmych congratulated Dave Edwards, who has been elected ad Chair of the NPR Board.
She concluded by reminding PRIMA members ofseveral reports and initiatives that should be of interest to managers:
- The Audience Opportunity Study conducted by Smith Geiger. It was commissioned to provide a detailed profile of current and potential NPR audience.
- The Case for Support that is being compiled by Ron Schiller, Dana Rhem, DEI, and SRG. This Case Paper will serve as a base for giving for public radio.
- Sound Exchange reporting requirements. Some stations have not completed their reporting requirements. This could negatively impact the system as it works to resolve streaming rights issues.
VI. Old Business
Following up on a discussion started at the previous PRIMA meeting, the membership talked about the location and frequency of the PRIMA meetings. The membership indicated a desire to cancel the traditional winter meeting in 2011. Dan Skinner will prepare a electronic survey to solicit input from the full PRIMA Membership.
The general consensus of the membership was that PRIMA should meet at least once per year and reserve the right to meet more often as needed to address pressing issues. Patty Cahill agreed to chair a committee to revise the PRIMA Bylaws to accommodate the change in meeting frequency.
A motion was presented by Art Timko and approved asking the executive committee to pursue a joint annual region meeting. (See Below)
VI. New Business
PRIMA Vice President Dan Skinner presented the Committee on Nominations Report. The following slate was presented and approved by acclamation. Al Bartholet for Secretary and Paul Maassen, WWNO, New Orleans for the position of Board Member #1.
A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed unanimously at 09:09 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner, PRIMA Vice President
On behalf of Jon Schwartz
Secretary, Public Radio in Mid-America
October 1, 2010
Motion Regarding Regional Meetings
Presented by Art Timko, WEMU-FM, Ypsilanti, MI
I move that the Executive Board of PRIMA investigate the feasibility and willingness to proceed with other public radio regional organizations and National Public Radio and recommend to the membership the establishment of a coordinated annual meeting for no later than 2012 which provides for the interests of each organization, an opportunity for the exchange of ideas among participants, and the annual meeting of National Public Radio.