October 18, 2022
Meeting convenes at 2:30 pm ET
In attendance:
- STEVE SCHRAMM – excused
- MYRNA JOHNSON – absent
- NICO LEONE – absent
Meeting convenes at 2:38
The remarkable Tennessee Vols football game against Alabama is recapped.
Business items from Paul: dues are going out shortly.
Regina reports that PRIMA did not invoice or collect during Covid, there was no need. No expenses incurred. Paul will begin to travel to DC for NPR Board meetings.
Our dues are $200 per year if you are in the geographic region we were incorporated in. $100 for those outside the region. We will remind people what PRIMA is and tell them about some of our fly-ins: that we have paid for registration and lodging when we can. Tell them that we are planning a meeting in the spring.
Regina can draft the letter. She wonders if the membership list on the website is up to date and asks Paul to send out a note to the list serve and find out if the station contact info is correct.
Steven Williams is offering to send Regina contact info for Michigan radio managers and the GM of the Milwaukee station as well.
Paul: Still seems doubtful that there will be a Super Regional in the coming year so an in-person spring meeting for PRIMA still seems good.
Paul asks whether anyone has any points to discuss regarding the NPR Network. Paul wonders about NPR+- – getting an ad-free podcast bundle – his understanding is that it was going to be a membership premium, but the initial rollout is only for new members going to NPR digital platform. This is not confirmed and Paul has questions in to Gemma and others at NPR about how this will roll out and whether or not it will be offered to the stations directly.
Regina wonders whether or not the portal that NPR is going to require will make this a dead issue for some stations (like hers). Our listeners, she says, would be very interested in that kind of premium.
Steven Williams notes that there is federal legislation pending working on a privacy act that could prohibit NPR from sharing user data with NPR stations. It could happen next year. There needs to be a non-profit exemption.
He thinks it would require users to have control over their own data. You might need to have a full-time compliance person in order to be in compliance. NPR is concerned about this and looking to work with Public Media to make sure it doesn’t adversely affect stations.
Steven promises to keep us apprised of the progress of this legislation and NPR’s
Neenah suggests that we could hold a Zoom Happy Hour. Paul suggested Thursday, November 3. 5:00 pm ET / 4:00 pm CT.
Meeting adjourns at approximately 3:15
Neenah Ellis, PRIMA Secretary