2016 Indianapolis Conference Click on pictures to see enlargement. PRIMA at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Dinner at the Speedway Museum Speedway Logo on Museum Floor Jeff Smulyan, Chairman, CEO and Founder of Emmis Broadcasting, provides an update on the Nextradio project Scott Montgomery, Managing Editor, NPR Digital News, and Chris Turpin, Vice President of News and Operations, Discuss the Future of NPR News Joel Sucherman, Senior Director, NPR Digital Products Tamar Charney, local editorial lead for NPR One Stephanie Miller, Managing Director, NPR Digital Services A discussion with some of Public Radio’s Major Program Providers: Melinda Ward, Chief Content Officer for PRI; Anya Grundmann, Vice President for Programming and Audience Development for NPR; John Barth, Chief Content Officer for PRX, and Nancy Cassutt, Executive Director, MPR News and programming Michael Lutzky, Vice President of Business Development Gemma Hooley, Vice President/Member Partnership Loren Mayor, NPR’s Chief Operating Officer Paul Jacobs of Jacobs Media talks about the Connected Car Ernie Sanchez with an FCC Update Meg Miller with an FCC Update Michael Beach, Vice President of Distribution provides a PRSS Update Maryfran Tyler, Senior Director, Strategic Planning, with a PRSS Update Mike Riksen, NPR Vice President for Policy and Representation Allison Novack, NPR Policy and Representation Indianapolis Arts Garden Enclosure WFYI – Host Station and Meeting Location for the PRIMA Conference