Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2015
Called to Order: 2:30 PM
Board Members Present: Dan Skinner, Tim Eby, Karen Olstad, Paul Maason, Mike Savage, Steve Schram. Regina Dean,
Guest: Greg Petrowich,Tom Hunt
- Debrief on 2015 PRIMA Conference— (Paul & Tim)
- What worked / What didn’t?
- National organizations reported that they found conversations very insightful and worthwhile.
- Frankness of the conversations was a positive. Attendees discussed the substantive issues facing the system. Easier to do in smaller groups.
- Feedback indicates that participants would like to have opportunity to attend a PRIMA conference every year, most likely in the spring since Super Regional will happen each fall indefinitely.
- Regina reported that the conference probably did not break even but PRIMA has the funds to cover, will get final accounting by next meeting.
- Discussion of Agenda Development for Super Regional Conference —(Karen)
- Paul reported that it seems that the Super Regional Conference is becoming bigger and permanent, maybe its own entity.
- Board members and Dan have asked what is its purpose? How does it move the ball forward from either professional development or business strategy standpoint?
- Members should offer suggestions to the Super Regional agenda survey now open and also share with Dan who can share at PRRO.
- PRRO Update –Dan
- Gemma and Bob reported that they were very pleased with the PRIMA conference.
- WSPR reported that they were pleased with their one day event in Denver, just managers & facilitator, no presenters
- Other Business – PRIMA Annual Meeting
- Discussion of whether By-Laws allow for conducting annual meeting business other than at an in-person meeting.
- Discussion of timing for future annual meetings. Traditionally has been in the fall.
- In her role as Secretary, Karen agreed to contact attorney Meg Miller to review By Laws for consultation/recommendation.
- Discussion of having PRIMA Annual Meeting adjacent to NPR AReps meeting in Washington DC in September and allow members not travelling to DC to participate telephonically. This would allow for election of officers and board members prior to start of new terms on October 1. Dan asked members to think about it and share thoughts with him. Will be discussed further at future meeting.
- NPR Board Update (Mike/Greg/Paul)
- Discussion at NPR board meeting about different copy rules for podcasts vs broadcast. PRIMA Board also discussed.
- Podcast language is not bound by FCC rules for non-commercial broadcasting.
- Not sure what NPR’s copy guidelines for podcasts actually are.
- USA Report (Tom)
- No report
- Tom Hunt’s Retirement effective May 29th, everyone wished him well.
Adjourned at 3:50 PM.
Next meeting June 17 at 2:30 PM EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Olstad