April 16, 2014

Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
pril 16, 2014

Called to Order: 2:40 PM

Board Members Present: Tim EbyKaren Olstad, Paul MaassonMike Savage,  Steve Schram, Dan Skinner

Guest: Tom Hunt, Greg Petrovich

  1. PRIMA Member Conference Calls
    1. Debrief on call with Gemma Hooley & Bob Kempf – (Dan)-28 participants, good for first effort.
    2. Future Calls — Joyce Mac was open to discussing how NPR Underwriting is doing and lessons learned. Encourage GMs to invite Underwriting Reps to participate too. Steve Schram reported that he had a good conversation with Steve Moss from NPM regarding contracting with NPM and suggested that they might be a good guest for a future member call. It was suggested that we do a survey regarding stations’ experience with NPM in advance of the call. Dan will follow-up with Joyce Mac to schedule.
  2. CPB Collaboration Grants (Eby)Are any PRIMA stations contemplating projects? Steve Schram reported that he inquired about possible collaboration across Michigan. Consensus is that there isn’t enough financial incentive in the grants to make stations seriously look at consolidation.
  3. Report on PRIMA New Member Recruitment –Dan reported that Christina Kuzmych sent out recruitment letters to potential PRIMA members last month. He indicated that he will work with Christina Kuzmych to create a follow up recruitment message to be distributed via email.
  4. Super Regional Conference Update – Dan – November 20th- November 21st including a gathering of stations sponsored by NPR. Save the Date notices have been sent. Room rates are very good deal for the nice venue. Request for ideas has been sent. Feel free to share with Dan or follow link that was sent earlier.
  5. Feeback on NPR Fly-Ins – (Board) Paul attended the one in Miami. Thought it was good, NPR representatives were forthcoming on work being done on digital initiatives and clock project. Good chance to ask questions in smaller group. Many PRIMA Board members will be attending the one in Chicago next week.
  6. NPR Board Update – (Greg)
    1. Slate of candidates for the board seats will come out soon.
    2. Nothing new to report on the CEO search. At last NPR Board meeting it was reported that there was a good size pool of high caliber candidates.
    3. Question from Tim Eby regarding whether there was concern about loss of talent at NPR. Greg reported that it hasn’t been discussed at Board level, but believes that it is a concern at NPR and NPR stations now that talented people have options other than at NPR with the proliferation of other digital platforms. Not only is system infrastructure aging, but talent pool is aging as well. People are leaving due to retirement.
  7. USA Update (Tom) – The USA Board met and is looking at the organization’s mission and training. Dues have not increased since 2006. Board voted a 9% increase. From $600 to $654. Craig is doing a lot of consulting, the revenue goes to USA; but Craig hasn’t had as much time to devote to mission of organization. Looking at ways for experienced managers to mentor new managers. They will revisit the issues relating to complexities of university licensee contracting with NPR once Gemma has new team in place to assist.

Adjourned at 3:40 PM.

Next meeting will be May 21st at 2:30 PM EDT.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Olstad

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