Board Conference call
August 7, 2007
2:30 ET
Present: Patty Wente, KWMU (President); Cleve Callison, WMUB (Vice-President); Christina Kuzmych, WFIU (Secretary); Al Bartholet, WKSU (Board Member No. 1); Dorie Vallillo, WIUM (Treasurer), Dan Skinner, Texas Public Radio, (Board Member No. 3)
I. Meeting began at 2:30 E.T.
II. Fall Meeting
Bill Kling will be speaking Tuesday at 1:30. Cleve will send out the agenda. CPB’s Bruce Theriault is also a guest. Cleve suggested that we get this year’s PRDMC speaker on the topic of generational differences to give us a 9 a.m.Tuesday opener.
The hotel is reputed to be “fabulous.” It’s a Landmark hotel.
Part of our PRIMA meetings will be at MPR.
III. Nominations for PRIMA Board
Dan Skinner: Where does the slate stand now?
Patty will ask Patty Cahill to send info to the executive board.
Patty provided highlights from the SRG meeting of last week.
V. Meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. E.T.
Respectfully submitted,
Christina Kuzmych, Secretary