Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2016
Called to Order: 2:37 PM Eastern Time
Board Members Present: Tim Eby, Regina Dean, Christina Kuzmych, Paul Maassen, Mike Savage, Steve Schram, Dan Skinner
Indy Conference Review
Dan Skinner led a discussion/debrief on the Spring 2016 PRIMA Conference held in Indianapolis. The feedback from the conference was generally positive with good reviews of the participants and meeting location. We had about the same number of total attendees as last year. We had about 30 stations represented. Busing participants between the hotel and meeting space was no ideal, so would take care in regard to transport for future planning.
Spring 2017 PRIMA Meeting
Dan Skinner led a discussion about the location of the Spring 2017 PRIMA Meeting. Whatever location is chosen it is important to have an engaged host station. Paul Maassen discussed reasons for holding the meeting in New Orleans. Steve Schram suggested Ann Arbor or Detroit. Kansas City was also mentioned. No decision was reached but the board will continue to think about possible locations.
PRIMA Annual Meeting
Dan Skinner led a discussion about whether the PRIMA Annual Business meeting should continue to be held at the Fall Super Regional Conference, or whether it should be moved to the Spring PRIMA Conference. Dan recommended that we send out a survey to the membership to get their preference. The board advised sending a survey to solicit feedback about the 2016 PRIMA Meeting in Indy and also ask about the timing of the annual meeting.
A Prairie Home Companion
Tim Eby led a discussion to get PRIMA board members feedback about the current status of A Prairie Home Companion. The board expressed concern about the appeal of the new program and the continued high cost of the program for an untested product with a new host. The value of the program was because of the audience it had built over time. The new show has not proven itself, so why charge nearly as much as the old PHC?
NPR Station Compact
The board expressed a desire to continue the conversation about the NPR station Compact that was started at the PRIMA Conference. There was some frustration that there wasn’t anything of substance to react to from NPR. Dan will contact Gemma Hooley at NPR to set up a PRIMA Membership Conference call regarding the NPR Station Compact.
NPR Digital Conference Call
Dan will arrange a PRIMA GM conference call with the new NPR Digital Services Director Thomas Hjelm.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:26 pm ET
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Skinner
President (Acting as Secretary)