October 8, 2013

Public Radio in Mid America
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2013

Called to Order: 11:30 AM EDT Board Members Present: Christina Kuzmych, Karen Olstad, Regina Dean, Tom Hunt, Paul Maassen, Dan Skinner, Tim Eby  Guest: Greg Petrovich

  1. Update on Super Regional—Christina Kuzmych

    1. Agenda is up on the website. Discussion and confusion about what time the NPR AReps meeting will end on Thursday. Greg will check with Joyce Mac and ask that the information be communicated to members so they can make appropriate travel plans.

    1. PRIMA Business Meeting will be from 3:30-5:00 on Wednesday. We have invited PRIMA members and NPR Board Members Kit Jensen and Greg Petrovich to join us. We want to reserve a significant amount of time for station managers to share info amongst ourselves. Members should contact Christina if there are additional guests they would like to be invited to meet with the PRIMA members.

  1. PRIMA Meeting in February – Christina Kuzmych –Survey results are now tilting toward having a February meeting. Christina notes that at times in the past the PRIMA board would have a retreat and invite others to join. Discussion about whether we should do that again. This will be discussed with other members at the PRIMA business meeting next month to gauge interest. 

  1. PRIMA Scholarship –Dan Skinner– six viable applications, will have a decision by end of day tomorrow. Four $1000 scholarships will be awarded.

  1. PRIMA Board Nominations  — Regina Dean–Co-Chairs Eby and Dean are working on a slate of candidates but were not yet ready to report.

  1. Other

    1. PRRO Award–Christina Kuzmych– Nominees have been submitted for the PRRO Award. There have been a couple of individuals nominated by multiple people. No other nominees were mentioned by the group.

Next meeting will be December 10 at 11:30 AM EDT.

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 PM EDT

Respectfully submitted, Karen Olstad Secretary

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