November 2, 2010


PRIMA Board Conference Call
November 2, 2010 2:30 p.m. EDT

Present:Christina Kuzmych, Dorie Vallillo, Al Bartholet, Bill Wheelhouse, Jon Schwartz, Cleve Callison, Tom Hunt, Paul Maassen


  • Impressions from the Riksen/Funding meeting
  • Follow up to conference in Kansas City
  • Surveys for Winter meeting
  • Riksen/Funding meeting

Discussion Summary:

PRIMA and NPR collaborated in a regional call-in for PRIMAtes to discuss the status of federal funding.

The meeting was awesome, disconcerting, scary and everything is at risk.  Forty representatives will be targeted to support continued support of public broadcasting, not sure what states are the target states, but some specific congressional districts will be targeted and it was noted that we still have some champions, but there is serious public relations work ahead.  Most if not all of the board are supportive of letting Juan go based on what we have been told, but Vivian did not act in a way that is becoming of a leader for the system and most are appalled by her behavior and very disappointed about the lack of communication, the timing and the general lack of sensitivity to the fact that many stations were in a fund drive mode and all felt this could have been orchestrated in a more professional manner.

Overall impressions of the Kansas City meetings were positive and we’re looking forward to the information that will be provided by Patty Cahill on PRIMA bylaws.

When Dan returns from Italy, we will move forward in getting a survey out to our members to get input on whether a Winter meeting is required our how we will move forward with our future meetings, which may include  a national meeting for the regional’s, but that is to be determined.

Christina reported that the PRRO managers are very interested in trying out a “super regional” that would combine all 4 regionals.

We briefly discussed the Government Impact grant and how many of us might be applying for the first round.

Next PRIMA Board Conference Call is scheduled for December 7 at 2:30 Eastern time.

Respectfully submitted: Al Bartholet, PRIMA Secretary

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