Summer 2020

PRIMA Membership meeting 6-25-20


PRIMA Board members in attendance In attendance:

Paul Maassen 
Steve Schram 
Regina Dean
Nico Leone 
Richard Miles 
Myrna Johnson 

Public Radio in Mid America    
Annual Membership Meeting 
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Called to order at 3:06pm CT

Minutes were approved from the 2019 Membership Meeting

President’s Report 

PRIMA President Paul Maassen thanked all for participating via zoom during this unprecedented time. He also mentioned that we would work to set up some Zoom sessions with NPR staff to help stations discuss how we were all going to work together to get through the pandemic.

Nominations Committee Report

Richard Miles, Chair of the Nominations Committee, presented the slate of candidates for Board Election:

Nominations Committee presented this slate of candidates for approval. 
President: Paul Maassen –Eligible for election to second term 
Vice President: Steve Schram – Eligible for election to second term

Board Member #1: Myrna Johnson – Eligible for election to second term 
Board Member #2: Nico Leone –Eligible for election to second term

All were approved with a unanimous vote.

Treasurers Report 

Regina Dean, Treasurer
Our Fiscal year 2019 (Sept 30th) ended with $29,190.89 in the bank.

Membership Discussion

Floor open for discussion on public radio in general. Stations mentioned they were all improvising due to the pandemic, and working remotely. Stations were getting by for the time being, although many were concerned about revenue moving forward.

There was no new business.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 3:58 CT. 

Submitted by Paul Maassen, PRIMA President.

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