August 7, 2012

Board Conference Call

August 7, 2012
Participating by phone:
Al Bartholet,  Cleve Callison, Christina Kuzmych, Paul Maassen, Dan Skinner, Bill Wheelhouse
Not present: Regina Dean, Tom Hunt,



    1. Planning is progressing well and an agenda will be available soon.
    2. Themes will be sustainability as well as now stations can continue to offer service to their communities of origin.
    3. Registration cost will be higher than a regular PRIMA meeting, however more content will be included.
    4. WWOZ and WWNO are helping to put together a list of entertainment venues.
    5. It is hoped that a quorum may be present to allow for an A-Reps meeting, where a discussion about a change to the Bylaws could take place.
    1. There was discussion about collaboration and mergers being incentivized in this new economic climate.


    1. Paul Maassen discussed recent developments with WWNO, NPR and the Times Picayune in helping to shape WWNO’s newsroom.

Next meeting will take place on September 4th at 1:30 ET

Adjourned at 2:15 p.m. ET

Respectfully submitted,
Al Bartholet, secretary

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