Annual Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2012 | 4:00PM CST
New Orleans Super Regional Conference
Call to Order and Determination of Quorum
President Christina Kuzmych called the meeting to order at 4:05pm CST on November 14th, 2012. Treasurer Regina Dean determined a quorum was present.
Additions and Approval of Agenda
There were no additions. Motion and second to approve agenda. Motion carried.
Secretary’s Report
On behalf of Secretary Bartholet, President Kuzmych distributed the minutes from the Fall 2011 Conference. There were no additions or corrections. Motion and second to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Dean distributed the balance sheet indicated a balance of $41,950.36 as of October 1, 2012. President Kuzmych noted the robust balance was a result of eliminating the winter regional conference. Motion and second to approve the balance sheet. Motion carried.
President’s Report
President Kuzmych thanked outgoing board members Secretary Al Bartholet and Board Member #3 Bill Wheelhouse for their years of service and support to PRIMA and the industry.
President Kuzmych encouraged the membership to complete the Super Regional surveys as it is critical to understand the feedback on the Super Regional approach and how to move forward with future planning years.
President Kuzmych introduced Member Mike Crane who served on the nominating committee for the two positions open on the board of directors. Member Crane introduced Mary Grace Herrington, Chief Executive Officer of Iowa Public Radio, as the nominee for Secretary; and Karen Olstad, Chief Operating Officer for WOSU, as the nominee for Board Member #3. Motion and second to accept the nominees and approve their appointment. Motion carried.
Old Business
New Business
Discussion Items
Bob Kempf representing NPR Digital Services presented an update on Core Publisher, Master Service Agreements and other developments underway. Kempf clarified that the NPR Digital Services 3-year plan with glide path of financial participation was in ‘year two’. Kempf indicated Kinsey Wilson would consider a feedback method either through surveys, roadshows or a combination thereof about mid-year of ‘year 3’ in order to assess the success of the platform, evaluate the challenges and inform the next steps.
PRSS/Content Depot representative (Pete???) made a brief presentation on recent system failures. He apologized for the failures and explained to the group the nature of impairment and the standards in place to react in order to correct. He noted impairment is a system failure, a human failure or a combination of both. In 99% of all instances, there are defined procedures to act upon a system failure however it is sometimes the human that does not follow the procedure. He recognized training and reinforcement is needed for the staff. In most cases, there is a systematic approach to restoring the service, communicating the failure, and then investigating the failure via an incident report in order to learn and prevent same failure again. He thanked the membership for their patience.
Member Tim Eby discussed the challenge of national producers initiating fundraising appeals that conflict with standard pledge drive seasons for member stations. Examples noted were Krista Tippett’s email solicitations and Garrison Keillor’s on-air solicitations. Member Eby’s recommendation included some form of ‘alert’ – somehow let member stations know when a solicitation is planned and try to avoid standard pledge drive seasons (October and March). Membership generally agreed however (who said this? Michigan?) noted that many stations no longer follow a traditional fall/spring pledge drive schedule so why not just ask national producers to refrain from solicitations. Action: Membership agreed that PRIMA board of directors would develop a formal response and submit to all national program producers.
Membership requested a second evening devoted to the PRIMA Hospitality Suite. President Kuzymch agreed on 9:30pm in Suite #1112.
Meeting adjourned at 5:05pm.
Respectfully submitted by
MG Herrington, Secretary